The cast is made up of a number of familiar faces...
BBC Two's latest comedy series, The Witchfinder, sees Tim Key play a failing witchfinder transporting a suspected witch, played by Daisy May Cooper, across England to a trial that could turn around his fortunes.
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The rest of the show's cast is made up of a number of faces and names that will be familiar to any fan of British comedy shows. Ahead of debut on BBC Two on Tuesday evening, meet them all here …
Tim Key plays Gideon Bannister
Comedian Tim Key plays the eponymous character, Gideon Bannister, who has decided to cash in on the deep-seated superstition and Puritanical Christian views of the mid-15 century by appointing himself a witchfinder.
Tim Key plays Gideon Bannister
Tim is known for his surrealist humour and scene-stealing performances on the likes of and
Daisy May Cooper plays Thomasine Gooch
Daisy May Cooper takes on the role of Thomasine Gooch, an "inquisitive, uncouth" woman who is accused of being a witch and so finds herself hunted down by a failing witchfinder. Through her ability to prick his pomposity and ask uncomfortable questions, she turns a straightforward journey into a life-changing ordeal.
Daisy May Cooper plays Thomasine Gooch
Daisy is best known for playing Kerry Mucklowe in the BBC comedy , alongside her real-life brother Charlie Cooper. However, she has also appeared in the spoof seriesand the film
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Jessica Hynes plays Old Myer
Jessica Hynes play a character called Old Myer, who is simply described as having "bad teeth". The 49-year-old actress is also a familiar face to British viewers, having starred in a number of successful comedy shows and films, including and
Jessica Hynes plays Old Myer
Julian Barratt
Julian Barratt stars as a fellow Witchfinder in the series. Not much is known about his character, but given Julian's previous comedic roles, we know his character is going to have us in stitches.
Julian Barratt
Julian rose to fame playing Howard in alongside Great British Bake Off host Noel Fielding. He's also known for his roles in and the film .
Reece Shearsmith
Playing another Witchfinder in the series is Reece Shearsmith, who is one half of the talented duo behind and . He stars in and writes both alongside his longtime collaborator Steve Pemberton. Reece's many TV credits also includeand
Reece Shearsmith
Tuwaine Barrett plays Cumberlidge
Tuwaine Barrett plays a character by the name of Cumberlidge. The 26-year-old up-and-coming actor has previously appeared in and even had a small role in the superhero film
Tuwaine Barrett plays Cumberlidge
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Daniel Rigby plays Hebble
Daniel Rigby plays Gideon's rival Witchfinder Hebble. The actor has a huge number of acting credits to his name, including and the TV movie , for which he won a BAFTA TV Award for his performance portraying comedian Eric Morecambe. Interestingly, since 2015, he has also been the narrator for children's programme .
Daniel Rigby plays Hebble
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